Strategies for Growing Your Law Firm Business Online

CEB's guidebook, Strategies for Growing Your Law Firm Business Online, is an exclusive FREE resource developed to help attorneys go solo and fast-track business growth.

Business Growth Hacks from the Experts

The traditional approach to marketing and networking is to cast a wide net to find people and then convert them into clients. You only keep a select number of leads to follow up with. David Mitroff, Ph.D.,, describes how today’s data-driven approach focuses on finding connections and opportunities, not only clients. Connections lead to opportunities to grow your business in new ways. 

Learn about:
  • Data driven marketing, so you can tap into the key benefit of online marketing and technology—the ability to track and analyze results, then quickly iterate and adjust for optimal performance.
  • How to effectively use your website and blog to define a clear message and connect with potential clients.
  • How to make the most of online directories, review sites, and social networks to reach and solidify relationships with clients.
  • Assess and build your online reputation, identify and handle potential problems, as well as monitor your competitors, your practice area, and influencers in the field.
  • What you can do today, and over the next 30 and 60 days to build your brand and your business.

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