How to Communicate Persuasively—in Court and on Social Media

CEB's guidebook, How to Communicate Persuasively—in Court and on Social Media, is an exclusive FREE resource developed to help attorneys go solo and fast-track business growth. Get insider advice on career and business development.

Build a Brand that Harnesses the Real You

If you're doing what every other lawyer is doing on social media, you're doing it wrong; successfully connecting online demands that you be yourself. In this guidebook, Mitch Jackson of Jackson & Wilson, also known as the Streaming Lawyer, shows how to create valuable, appropriately emotional content in your own way, content that's memorable and establishes trust. Tell stories and add value by answering real questions in your unique voice and you're well on your way to connecting with clients and colleagues. Learn about:

    • The three rules of communication
    • Building a brand that harnesses the real you
    • How to create content and build a library of material that will both benefit people and attract clients
    • Establishing authority and making persuasive arguments
    • How expressing your opinion about breaking news stories can actually serve you

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