Building a Brand

CEB's guidebook, Building a Brand, is an exclusive FREE resource developed to help solo attorneys and firms fast-track business growth. Get insider advice on career and business development.

Business Growth Hacks from the Experts

What do you want your business to become? What does success look like? In defining your firm brand, you define its future. In this guidebook, Jo-Anna Nieves walks you through how to define your law firm's purpose and plan for its future. When you first hang your shingle, don't just blindly go after any client you can get. When you recognize your passions and plan your business based on those passions, it's easier to target your offerings to serve the clients you want serve. Learn about:

  • Defining your organization and its purpose
  • Business planning and how you can plan for success
  • Marketing to clients and presenting yourself to the public
  • Getting referrals and giving referrals
  • Campaigning and why you need to track your tactics

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